Home > Products > Golden Cane Syrup
Golden Cane Syrup
  • Self-life: 12 Months under room temperature.
  • Package: 5kg(11 lb)/bottle,4 bottles (44 lb) / carton
- Detail -
Product Description: It extracts from Taiwan sugar cane,
High Purity, All natureSweet and Mellow taste and good fluidity. 
 The natural sucrose aroma is produced by the boiling process and
makes the natural golden yellow color. 

 It improves the flavor and compatibility of drink and extends the long-lasting sweetness in the mouth

Innovation & Research Center:
7F.-2, No.281, Sec. 2, Fuqian Rd., West Central Dist., 
Tainan City 700, 
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
